5 Causes of Water Pipeline Failure

Ever wondered about the silent threats lurking within the pipelines? Contrary to popular belief, pipeline failures aren’t always dramatic bursts causing chaos and disruption. More often, they occur quietly, hidden in the shadows of gradual deterioration and subtle leaks, escaping our immediate notice. 

Let’s explore the key factors that cause pipeline failure!


Corrosion is the natural process by which manufactured metals revert to their original state through oxidation-reduction, causing a gradual degradation of materials. This phenomenon makes pipes vulnerable, increasing the risk of breakage.

Common sources of corrosion are water and air, where exposure to oxygen particles leads to rust formation. Galvanic corrosion arises from the interaction of dissimilar metals, and acids also contribute to this destructive process.

The challenge lies in detecting corrosion, especially when it occurs internally, thinning the metal over time. This gradual erosion not only weakens the structural integrity of pipes but can also contaminate liquids being transported, posing a potential toxicity hazard.

Water Velocity

Excessive pressure poses a significant threat to pipes, potentially causing failures. Despite a pipe’s internal strength, high pressure can displace joints and valves, leading to elusive leaks that regular inspections might miss.

Additionally, fluctuations in water velocity can trigger ‘water hammering‘ when valves swiftly close, creating forceful water slams accompanied by loud knocking sounds. While seemingly harmless at first, this repeated impact can gradually wear down valves and pipes over time.

To safeguard against these issues, proactive measures such as installing pressure regulators or utilizing pipes with air chambers become essential.

Asset Location

According to a study in 2018, road traffic has unfavorable impacts on water distribution pipelines. In urban areas, densely populated and bustling with daily traffic, water distribution pipelines face detrimental effects, particularly due to road activities. This impact intensifies when pipes are shallowly buried, subjected to pressure from both moving vehicles and filler earth.

Urban pipelines, primarily located near the surface, are more vulnerable, especially in areas with high vehicular traffic and ongoing construction projects. These regions also serve a larger customer base reliant on consistent water supply. Hence, it’s imperative to conduct regular assessments and rehabilitation efforts in these urban zones to ensure the pipelines’ functionality and meet the demands of the residents.

Ground movement

Pipeline failures also stem from ground movement. Natural events like earthquakes, typically considered beyond human control, can unexpectedly lead to pipe failures. Despite pipelines being engineered for stability, their stationary nature leaves them vulnerable to seismic activities. The immense force generated during an earthquake can result in the cracking of pipe walls due to their inherent rigidity.

Beyond natural disasters, human errors during installation can induce constant vibrations, posing a significant threat to pipeline integrity. The persistent rattling and trembling, if left unaddressed, can gradually compromise the pipes over the long term. In cases where exposed pipes are affected, it becomes imperative to consider solutions. Attaching stabilizing fixtures emerges as a practical remedy, effectively securing the pipes in place and mitigating the risks associated with movement-induced failures.

Extreme Temperature

Pipe integrity is significantly affected by temperature fluctuations. Extreme cold can lead to water freezing inside supply and drainage lines, causing blockages; attempting to boost flow under such conditions risks damaging the pipe and its components due to excessive pressure.

Conversely, excessive heat or sunlight exposure can render pipe materials brittle. Although pipes might appear intact externally, increased water velocity can trigger ruptures. It’s crucial to note that not all pipes are resistant to high temperatures; for instance, PVC pipes are prone to warping and deformation when exposed to prolonged heat. 


Pipeline failure isn’t just determined by any single factor. Therefore, understanding these risks is the first step toward safeguarding the water distribution systems. Regular assessments, proactive measures like pressure regulators, and smart asset management are essential. By staying vigilant and taking necessary precautions, water utilities can ensure the reliability of their pipelines and secure the uninterrupted flow of water to the communities.

If you need an optimized tool for water leak detection, you may contact us and request a demo. At EFAS Technologies, we’re revolutionizing water leak detection with our groundbreaking solution – the Generator-based AI Leak Locator (GAILL). Combining cutting-edge technology, data-driven insights, and a commitment to sustainability, GAILL is a robust and efficient solution for leak detection, helping you optimize water management and minimize losses.

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