How Our Solution Works

The core problem we solve

Non-Revenue Water

One of the major challenges facing water utilities is the high level of water loss in distribution networks.
Causes: Non-revenue Water (NRW) can occur through physical losses from leaking and broken pipes, which are caused by poor operations and maintenance, the lack of active leakage control, pilferage, and poor quality of underground assets.
Effects: High levels of NRW lead to low levels of efficiency. When treated water is lost, water collection, treatment and distribution costs increase water sales decrease, and substantial capital expenditure programs are promoted to meet the ever-increasing demand. Environmental sustainability is sacrificed as we lose precious water resources.
Therefore, reducing NRW is important to overall efficiency and financial sustainability, since it provides additional revenues and reduces costs.

Challenges in solving this problem

Over the last 20 years, many organizations from around the world have developed tools and methodologies to help utilities evaluate and manage water losses.

However, most water utilities do not have adequate monitoring systems for assessing or locating water losses. The result is that data on NRW is usually not readily available and even unreliable.

Moreover, the costs to locate the leaks are extremely high and the procedures are complicated. Annual cost per mile of leak detection depends on the technology used but typically ranges from $500 to over $10,000 per year and produces varying results. Many solutions require substantial initial costs and can take years to implement. (For example, only in Asia, $2 billion would have to be invested annually in water loss reduction projects).

Our Innovations​


Generator-based AI Leak Locator

GAILL helps solve this problem by:

  • Early Leak Detection: prompt intervention to prevent extensive damage and mitigate water loss.
  • Non-Invasive Solution: Save your resources by avoiding costly excavation and disruption.
  • Precise Localization: Provide pinpoint accuracy in locating leaks, enabling efficient and targeted repairs.
  • Predictive Insights: Identify patterns and trends that may lead to future leaks.
  • Remote Monitoring: Monitor and control the pipeline network’s status remotely and respond to anomalies from a centralized location.
  • Real-Time Alerts: Generate immediate alerts when leaks or anomalies are detected.
  • Cost Savings: By identifying leaks swiftly and accurately, You can reduce the costs associated with water loss, repairs, and resource-intensive manual inspection efforts.
  • Environmental Conservation: Minimize water wastage, contributing to environmental preservation.

GAILL leverages advanced technologies – Al and digital twins.

Imagine digital twins as virtual copies of your pipes and Al as a super-smart helper.

GAILL scored 100% in leak detection accuracy in a challenging, intermittent water supply system.

GAILL uses your existing pipe map, alongside pressure/flow measuring points and additional devices, combined with time series PC/AMR data. With this info, GAILL figures out where leaks, blockages, and problems are happening between different pipe junctions.

GAILL Software includes:


A daily update of anomalies/ leak predictions in the pipeline network and an automated daily report identifying pipeline anomalies, locations, and addresses.

Dashboard for online viewing of all anomalies, network data/ maps, etc.


Pipeline anomaly detection (leaks, pilferage, clogs, and other anomalies) at a resolution of the anomaly containing pipeline between two adjacent junctions/nodes.


Keep track of your utility’s performance over time with our Non-Revenue Water Improvement Reports. These detailed reports provide valuable insights into your utility’s journey toward reducing water losses.


Our Generate Work Order feature simplifies field operations. Input specific details about the targeted DMA you want to repair, and the system will instantly generate a comprehensive work order that’s ready for printing. This streamlined process ensures that your field teams have all the information they need to address leaks and anomalies promptly, improving your water utility’s maintenance workflow


Dive deep into your pipeline network with our Pipeline Map Details View. Get a comprehensive look at your system’s layout, dimensions, materials, and more. Visualize Node Pressure and Pipe Flow for a complete understanding of your network

Uncover valuable insights for efficient maintenance and improved operations.

As anomalies are resolved, GAILL adapts and learns, honing its capabilities for future anomaly detection. This gives you a comprehensive tool to manage your pipeline network. And if you want even more accuracy, GAILL suggests where to put temporary sensors.


If your utility currently lacks the necessary data for GAILL to operate effectively, please get in touch with our dedicated solutions team using the contact information below. We are happy to discuss your case and explore potential solutions.